Have you heard of a boredom buster jar? We love them and they can be so helpful on rainy summer days or those days when you simply need to catch up and need some go-to activities for the kiddos! Below, find some great ideas to add to your jars! Hint: let the kids decorate their own jar and add fun ideas for things to do! Happy DIY-ing.
Boredom Buster Jar Ideas
- Plan dinner, write a menu, help cook and serve
- Make a family tree
- Learn how to use the washing machine
- Write to a penpal
- Tie-die some t-shirts
- Make a card for someone and mail it to them
- Find shapes, animals and objects in clouds
- Wash the car
- Make a paper plate crown
- Read some books
- Sweep the floor
- Play balloon hockey
- Go for a walk
- Play a board game
- Make’/fly a kite
- Do a fun science experiment (ideas here)
- Draw a picture of the house from the outside
- Make a bird feeder
- Draw a comic
- Make a stop motion animation video
- Vacuum the stairs
- Water the plants
- Make homemade bubbles
- Get the paint out
- Make and play with felt boards
- Go out on your Bike
- Make paper airplanes
- Write and draw your own book
- Have a tea party with your friends
- Bury a treasure outside and draw a map to find it
- Take a bubble bath
- Paint rocks
- Do a puzzle
- Write 5 things you love about each member of your family
- Make color changing squirt chalk