1.How many kids do you have and what are their ages?
2 Kids: Son Jacob 15 & Daughter Dylan 13
- How long have you lived in Short Hills/Millburn/Livingston and what made you decide to live here?
11 years in Livingston and came to visit a friend and look nearby at homes and that was it!
3.Tell us about your business and what other local things you are involved in! And how did you get started?
My biz Event Couture is a newly found business that taps into both my creativity and my passion for creating memorable moments through branding. It was born shortly after my second mitzvah when many friends/peers were asking me for help/advice/creative direction and more since they knew I loved it all. Shortly after helping many friends the word go out that I was officially “open for business”. New clients have been coming now on a referral basis and I’m loving it. I’ve been a local mom in the community for years and had a business for children for 8 years catering to design and fashion for children. Although I closed a little over two years ago when a family emergency caused me to rethink things a bit-the void for creativity had been there and now has re-emerged again through Event Couture.
4.Favorite thing to do when you need “me time”?
I love to play Mah-Jong! It’s so funny that when I think of it… I’ve turned into my mom!
5.Favorite place for dinner with kids?
My kids don’t get much time with us these days as their teen lives to be taking over our world… but, no favorite place for me than at our kitchen table with a dinner I prepare.
6.Most enjoyable place to hang out?
I LOVE the beach. Grew up there and always just feel at peace there.
7.How do you balance your career and being a mom?
I always have worked while being a mom. Though it is not always easy to juggle both full-time jobs. I somehow have figured out how to use my time wisely. Though my kids are older and need less of me… my job allows me to be around while giving us the distance that they probably want by now. LOVE being able to work out of my home office and be around to still “mom”.
8.Proudest mommy moment(s)?
My son Jacob has definitely taken after me in not being able to take no for an answer. He saw a need for a ski club at LHS but there hadn’t been one in over 30 years. And, he just pushed enough and asked the right questions to turn a no into a yes! Now in the 2nd year of existence in a long, long time and bringing much joy and happiness to many like minded peers!
9.Can’t believe that happened mommy moment!
My daughter told me she gave someone ideas recently for a mitzvah theme and give-aways (LOL-like mama like daughter) but, came home the other night with the entire favor as she had dreamt it up! Pretty good for a 13 year old!
10.Best advice you have gotten from a mom?
Don’t get involved.
11.Best piece of advice you can give other moms!
Don’t worry about the moment since everyone is fleeting. Love your kids endlessly and teach right from wrong. In being a good human being you learn to be a good friend. Valuable to truly understand the importance as you get older.
12.One thing people would be surprised to know about you…
I’m a bit of a homebody and hermit. My favorite time in spent in sweats or jammies watching the Real Housewives of anywhere…don’t judge.