Protecting your college aged kids with Kinfo, a new health records and financial transaction service | Essex County Moms

Did you know that U.S. privacy laws that protect your child’s healthcare records could prevent you from accessing medical information you need in an emergency? Once your son or daughter turns 18, HIPAA restricts access to these files. But Kinfo is helping parents not only gain that access but keep it handy, to use in an emergency.

If you’re interested, simply go to and answer a few simple questions (seriously, it only takes 3 minutes!). Then, download the password protected documents, and store them (or share them if needed). With these easy steps, you can not only secure the HIPAA Release Form, but also a Durable Health Care Proxy and Durable Financial Power of Attorney—essentially, you’ll be able to access records and make decisions easily for your children if the worst happens and they can’t make them for themselves.

Pricing varies on which documents you are looking to download, starting with a free HIPAA release form (the largest package is $89 for all three forms) and Kinfo provides state specific documents as documents vary by state. This innovative service was created by parents with kids over 18—because just because they’re not little doesn’t mean they don’t need your help. And Kinfo is giving you a 10% discount when you use the code LMN19.

We spoke to co-founder, Paul Goldberg, to learn a little more about Kinfo:


How would you describe Kinfo for those who aren’t familiar?

Kinfo provides the legal documents needed to ensure that parents and guardians can help their children in a medical, legal or financial emergency even after they turn 18-years-old.  Without these specific documents, young adults’ privacy and legal information is protected from anyone without consent.

How did the idea come about?

When our first daughter turned 18, I asked a family member who was an attorney to help us. He told us he’d take care of it in a couple of days. Two weeks later I called him and he explained it wasn’t exactly what he did but that it was easy enough and I could do it for free online. I am a pretty smart and cheap person so I tried that. After spending hours poring over all the conflicting information and hundreds of different free forms, I was completely confused and frustrated. Worse than that, my daughter was now in college and we didn’t have any of the documents in place. My next step was to use an [online law site].  They had the documents I needed but they seemed to be for older people and not for my 18 year-old.  But I got them anyway, and then realized they were going to charge me an ongoing subscription for a year in order to get the documents.  

How did you decide to make a business out of solving this problem?

After speaking with so many parents who either didn’t even know about these legal changes after 18, or if they did know about them they didn’t have any documents in place, my wife and I became so frustrated and upset that we decided to create a solution for others to help their families as we wanted to. 

Why is this information so important to have?

As parents, my wife and I have always done anything and everything to protect and help our children and family. Once they turned 18-years-old that didn’t go away; it becomes even more important as they are now in the real world and on their own. Since we started Kinfo last year, we have heard dozens of very scary stories about young adults in hospitals and parents not being able to speak to doctors—and in some cases even worse. As a parent you have to be there to help in an emergency—your family still needs you!

Who is your product aimed at?

Our product is aimed at college-aged kids (young adults) but it is applicable for any person over 18 yrs old 

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