Meet the Mom Behind HealthyBaby | Essex County Moms

Mom of two and entrepreneur Shazi Visram first turned the baby industry upside down with the Happy Baby food brand, and now, is doing the same with her HealthyBaby product line.

All of the baby products are EWG Verified Safe. Their diapers and diaper creamdeodorantbaby balm and cream, laundry detergent, shampoo and even  home cleaning products each bear this official stamp of safety that will save busy moms hours researching the best products for their families. They also sell the most comprehensive prenatal vitamins that are customized to mom’s trimester, plus a plastic-free and EWG-verified deodorant that you will love.

HealthyBaby is an expansion of the same mission from Happy Baby that drives me to improve children’s health with chemical-free and quality options, but this time it’s very personal. I saw the opportunity to make a difference with developmental health through the environment of the first three years, as my own son is profoundly affected by autism, and it’s been really, really hard,” shares Shazi. She adds: “I’ve learned so much the hardest way, and I wanted to put that into HealthyBaby.”

The Local Moms Network asked Shazi to expand on her journey as a special needs mom, how her parents and other female founders have inspired her, her mom mantra, and more.

To read about why our moms are loving HealthyBaby, click hereTo shop for one-time purchases or a flexible subscription, go to and use code LOCALMOMS20 for 20% off for new customers or new subscriptions. 

You’ve said that having immigrant parents is better preparation for being an entrepreneur than an MBA. Can you tell us more about that influence?
Well, they didn’t teach me how to use Excel that’s for sure! I feel like I was shown something very, very different growing up in the motel they owned and seeing them work, so, so hard but still always be helping others.

My dad also was a role model for a man that did “the women’s work” as he was the king of the laundry at our Days Inn and my mom was the brains at the front desk. It’s been built into me to work myself to the bone, and I’m actually trying to learn how to really take breaks!

I had a deeper relationship with my most incredible father who showed me that no matter what. staying cool, and being humble is everything. He was a truck driver in Tanzania and so funny and the most charming person ever famous for his jokes. He always said in his deep amazing voice “health is wealth” and he was always right.

Do you have a “working mom” mantra?

Health Comes First in everything for you and your family. When you are running ragged or not feeling fulfilled, stop and take care of yourself, mama.

I have learned to actually respect the adage to put the mask on yourself first. My son had no voice and didn’t speak until he was 8. It’s hard having a child who needs me so much to be his voice and fight for his rights and unleash his hidden abilities. It’s a fulltime job to be a special needs parent and you become so protective. But it’s a marathon not a sprint and you have to be up for the marathon.

Are there any other female founders that inspire you?
Sara Blakely for being so big hearted, pure and a relatable role model to so many women. She is an investor and friend that I always look up to.

Hilary Swank is a new friend, entrepreneur and powerful changemaker that has recently embraced motherhood and wants to be a part of the change needed in the diaper industry, so she’s become a partner with HealthyBaby.

I really love Serena Williams. She’s just a powerhouse and the fact that she has such a dedication to her own health and wellness as well of her children’s and is using her platform to invest in women is super cool.

I’ve also gotten to know Emily Tisch Sussman more recently, and I found her She Pivots podcast to be really inspiring as she highlight stories of women who are constantly pivoting growing learning, and finding their way each story is powerful, and I love that she brings them all out of the guests.

Eve Rodsky is a friend, too, and inspired a whole movement for sharing our unseen work as mothers with our partners. If you haven’t seen Fair Play on Netflix or read her books, you should. Gamechangers.

Why do you think the HealthyBaby diapers especially have resonated so well with parents?
The diaper is the ultimate symbol of cradling a baby’s body. It’s the first product that touches your babies body for the three years as their brains are developing up to 85% That happens to coincide with the actual window of development, so why not pair diapers with the insights that we’ve learned along the way, like exercises to cross the midline or how creeping and crawling is so important for brain development and how to encourage more? It was an “aha” moment.

We had to make sure that the diapers themselves are the highest quality in the world. The amount of greenwashing in the diaper industry makes me sick after reading the ANSES report disclosing the different chemicals typically found, and the potential harm to human health. I was pretty shocked that there was no standard regulation for the safety of diapers in the US. Actually menstrual pads, and even incontinent diapers for adults are regulated as a medical device, but diapers are not! But diapers are touching our babies for almost 2 million minutes of their lives and it’s the first 2 million foundational minutes.

We saw a path to make a diaper that is transparent and meets a standard set by the EWG (Environmental Working Group). It took three years and to this day we are the only of 17 brands who have tried to meet the standard. We are the only brand that discloses every single ingredient on pack.

They’re also made in Europe, which, if you followed the infant formula struggles of the past couple of years, we found that European standards are far, far higher than anything that might exist in the US. Honestly, nobody expects to have hundreds and hundreds of chemicals inside their baby’s diaper while their bodies and brains are developing as well as their reproductive systems. We don’t use a urine strip; it’s not worth it. We also have such a low instance of diaper rash among our babies and I’m certain it’s due to the absence of these irritants .

Amazing! What are your other bestsellers?
Our pull-up style pants are among our best sellers and size as early as size 3, and go up to much larger sizes as we know every child is on their own journey. They are so, so soft and sensory-friendly with the seams on the outside, plus very absorbent and make for a great overnight diaper. My son had pretty severe sensory challenges with his autism, and I’ve learned so much about creating products that calm the nervous system. Softness and snug compression are a big part of that.

I really like our wipes too! They’re just a touch larger. they’re embossed, and they’re 100% biodegradable made of plants and water. You can do more with less if you try to just use one wipe for a change, assuming it’s not a massive blowout!

Anything else you’d like to share?
Well, my favorite product that I’ve ever made in my entire life (which says a lot!) is our prenatal regime. I’ve never been more proud of offering something to new mothers, that I truly believe can dramatically impact health during pregnancy their babies nutritional needs to create resilient brains and bodies, and for Mom’s health to be replenished after they give birth.

To truly impact health, I know we should be supporting moms at the inception of life. It’s our Northstar.


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